Archives for posts with tag: change

It is exactly 3 years since I had my event.

3 years since some have considered me as a liability. A few have even dismissed me as someone who would need to be taken care of.

3 years since everyone, my doctors, friends, and family told me that I cannot anymore do what I used to be able to physically do. They told me I wouldd have to get used to a new normal and I was never going to be the same again. They were right and wrong at the same time.

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Contrary to popular belief, monitoring cholesterol levels do not give a definite picture of cardiovascular health.

This is because cholesterol is not the cause of heart attack.  Plaque is.  And plaque development is extraordinarily different in every individual.

Our Cholesterol Problem” –

Depending on the individual, stress can contribute to the formation of plaque. There are also studies that being intense is unhealthy for the heart.

For me, this is not good news. Not good at all.

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